
A Concerned Citizen exposes crimes motivated by GREED
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From our
satisfied customers
Subject: Narrator
Brilliant content & I love the way its presented but, good God, man. A concussive coma is the outcome of listening to the monotonous narrator. Please, let the man nap so the rest of us can enjoy the podcast.
Subject: Legal Contact
Hello, listened to your episode. We are looking at moving forward with slander. Can you send any legal contact you have to me at ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
Subject: Politics
I have listened to almost every one of your shows. I finally heard enough of your reputation hating comments. You bash Laura Ingram and Ronald Reagan etc…You should have learned from the Dixie Chick’s, true Americans don’t want to hear your communist thoughts. Good luck with your podcast.